Pure Aqua Trading

Complete Water Solutions

We are the

Biggest Stockiest of Water Filters

All Kind of

Water Treatment Chemicals

Whole House

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Whole House

Central Filtration system


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Product Range

We are the biggest stockiest of water Filtration products & consumables.

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We’re forever at your disposal assuring our best services all the times.

Water Treatment

We’ve wide range of water treatment solution from domestic use to industrial use.

Branded Quality Water Filtration Products at Cheapest Price!
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There are 2 types of Reverse osmosis Plants available with us. Both Plants can produce maximum of 400 Gallons per day water. The main difference between both plants are the design & Frame. 1500 Liters per day is the maximum capacity of water production. Hence these plants are not recommended to use 24 hours. So if you need 300 to 750 Liters per day water you have to choose 1500 RO Plant. There are different benifits of having high capacity RO Plants. Your plant will have duty and stand by time with the ratio of 1:1. Less maintenance cost, long life, catering sudden increase in water requirements etc.

Box Type 400 Gallon per day RO Plant

This is the new improved designed of RO Plant. Steel Box provides the safety to the equipment. In addition there are flow meters and pressure guages on the display. Which can give user a clear idea about the operation and more specifically water production.



20″ x 2.5″ PP Spun Filter Housing
20″ x 2.5″ GAC Filter Housing
20″ x 2.5″ CTO Filter Housing
Booster Pump
Power Adaptor
Solonoid Valve
High / Low Pressure Switches
400 Gallons / Day Filmtec Membrane
Iron Box with powder Coating & Door.
2 Nos Flow Meters
2 Nos Pressure Guages
Complete Installation kit.
Dimensions: Width 59cm x Depth 42cm x Height 99cm

Standard 400 GPD – 1500 Ltr/D RO Plant

This plant has been used in water purification industry from last many years. It has steel frame and bracket. Everything is assembled on the skid. This plant is ideal for where there is space issue. This can be hanged over the wall as well.



20″ x 2.5″ PP Spun Filter Housing
20″ x 2.5″ GAC Filter Housing
20″ x 2.5″ CTO Filter Housing
Taste & Odor Filter
4 Nos of Booster Pump
4 Nos Power Adaptor
Solonoid Valve to avoid wastage water.
High / Low Pressure Switches makes machines fully automatic
4 nos of 100 gpd Filmtec Membrane Made in USA Membranes
With Stand & Bracket.
Complete installation kit.

Applications – Used for

  • Schools
  • Cafes
  • Restaurants
  • Labor Accommodations
  • Big Families
  • Sabeel
  • Jacuzi
  • Ice Maker
  • Workshops
  • Offices

400 GPD Direct Flow RO Plant.

This plant is a very small in size and provides direct flow. It can be used in house as well if you want freshly purifier water instead of storing in the tank. To know more about it feel free to contact us.

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Water Filter Bahrain is one stop solution for anything related to water. We undertake turnkey projects & the biggest water filter stockiest in Bahrain.

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