Ozone Generator

Ozone Generator 3g & 5g

3G & 5G / Hour Ozone Generator Ozone is a powerful oxidant and bactericide to kill bacteria in the air or water. Lately, it is widely used in air and water disinfection & sterilization in different fields such as fruit and vegetable fresh-keeping, drinking water purification, room air purifying, car disinfection, car odor removal etc. Technical Specifications Functions Operating Environment Safety Notes

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OZone Generator Disinfecting service Bahrain

Ozone Generator works like a champ to kill bacteria and molds. Especially due to this Covid-19 situation in Bahrain. There are many public or private places where disinfection is required. We have the OZone generator to kill the bacteria. We’re offering a professional services of disinfecting the whole house, shop, car or any other confined space. For example, you get to know someone who tested positive for coronavirus. It’s better to get that place disinfected before going there and breathing…

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